Benefits of Joining SNUG

The aim of the group is to improve patient care through improved use of information technology.

Members of SNUG benefit from:

  • Input into prioritisation of national developments
  • Attendance to local regional Meetings for all Practice staff
  • Attendance and voting rights at the Annual General Meeting
  • FREE Attendance to the Virtual SNUG Members Day in May and access to the recordings from the event
  • Attendance for the Practice to the November Conference and AGM
  • Access to the SNUG Support Teams Channels for both EMIS and Vision members
  • National alerts and updates as they happen
  • Sharing best practice
  • Users’ Group Newsletters electronically quarterly
  • Continued website development and monthly updates on new features and downloads. Members area includes, downloads, hints and tips, templates, regional meeting videos etc.
  • National Executive co-ordinating at national level for key GP IT developments on behalf of members.
  • Access to the SNUG Podcast




  • In 2024 there have been 3 SNUG Regional Meetings in Scotland held virtually and another three in the planning for Spring. We hope to have an event in every region this year.


  • SNUG Membership grew to 388 Practices in Scotland – an increase of 30 since 2020.


  • The SNUG Migrations Training Day was held for members in April focusing on what to do and how to prepare. We aim to hold another in September for the North of Scotland.


  • The SNUG VIRTUAL Members Day continues to grow with over 250 attendees in May. The day featured workshop sessions from system suppliers and SNUG Members as well as NSS and IT. Videos and slides from the event can be viewed online within the events pages. . Our Members Day 2024 will be held on Wednesday 22 May, an Agenda to follow shortly.


  • The SNUG November Conference and AGM was a huge success, the recordings downloaded from the day were the highest we had seen and shows that the event is worthwhile for all members and a great method of sharing information and updates. For 2024 we aim to increase our capacity and have more workshops brought to you from clinical staff. To read about our Conference you can find the Newsletter special on the SNUG website. The date for the 2024 Conference is Wednesday 27 November and in the Westerwood Hotel, Cumbernauld.


  • The SNUG Executive met four times virtually. The SNUG Executive discuss your GP IT issues and concerns with representatives from Cegedim, The Re Prov Team and NSS in attendance. Minutes can be found on the SNUG Website. If you have anything you need us to discuss on your behalf please let me know. The Executive consists of regional representatives talking on YOUR behalf, but we need input. We welcomed another four new Executive members in 2023/2024 brining a new perspective to the group and fresh ideas.


  • Members of the SNUG Executive sit on many other groups and campaign on your behalf. These include the GPIT Service Management Board which supports the Re-provisioning Program, the Change Advisory Board (to prioritise changes to GPIT systems), Primary Care Reform Digital Board (to look at the investments to be made in GP computing which support improved working in General Practice and wider Primary Care), Primary Care Informatics Group and much more. We also participate in the GP IT Re Provisioning Group and the Docman 10 Programme Board to speak on behalf of SNUG members. You will have seen our letters seeking for your opinions.


  • The SNUG Website is regularly updated and holds a host of information including Re Provisioning Updates, information on meeting dates, System supplier information and the very popular recordings from workshops and sessions at the Conference, SNUG Members Day and Regional Meetings.


  • The SNUG Teams Channel offer practices a chance to ask questions and share best practice. If you aren’t yet on this group and would like to be added please contact Alex.


SNUG membership gives access to the SNUG teams Support Channels, training videos and more.  We are proud to remain a reasonable cost for members and we intend to continue to be for the foreseeable.  The easiest way to subscribe is by requesting a form and sending to your bank, this way the £100 annual payment comes out automatically every year. However many prefer to pay by BACS.


SNUG membership brings many benefits to your Practice; but we need your support to continue to grow. SNUG cannot flourish without the support of our members, your fee’s help pay for the Executive to attend meetings and speak on behalf of you. By communicating your challenges and needs this allows us to know how best to support Scottish Practices.  The fees also support the facilitation of local meetings which allows members locally to be kept up to date with IT projects and information in their area as well being able to capture issues and feedback centrally.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact SNUG